The Vermont State Council, in Convention assembled in 1967, adopted a resolution establishing a
scholarship program, and the Scholastic Achievement Program continues to award Scholastic
Achievement today. The Scholastic Achievement Awards Shall be one thousand dollars
($1,000.00) each to five (5) qualified applicants who, in the opinion of the Scholastic Achievement
Committee are most deserving of recognition. The given awards shall be named at the discretion
of the committee from the following named awards:
 The William U. Hebert, PSD Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Gerald E. Morrissey, PSD Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Reverend Joseph E. Campbell, FSC Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Joseph J. Quinn, PSD Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Salvatore Russotti, PSD Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Right Reverend Wendall A. Searles Scholastic Memorial Award.
 The Thomas C. Kane, Sr., Vice Supreme Master, FDM, PSD Memorial Scholastic
Achievement Award.
 The Roderick C. Marcotte Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
 The Walter T. Bitler PSD, FDM Memorial Scholastic Achievement Award.
The objective of the Scholastic Achievement Awards Program is to recognize the scholastic
achievement of post-secondary bound seniors. To qualify for an award, an applicant must be a son
or daughter (paternal or legally adopted or represented by a legal guardian) of a member of the
Knights of Columbus in good standing in a subordinate Council of the Vermont Jurisdiction, or a
son or a daughter of a deceased member in good standing at the time of his death, or an applicant
who is a member of the Knights of Columbus or a member of a Columbian Squires Circle in the
Vermont Jurisdiction and a high school senior qualifying to graduate by June of the fiscal year.
Neither sex nor geographic consideration shall be employed in the awards selection.
The sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) will be withdrawn from the Scholastic Achievement
Award Fund Account to underwrite these five (5) awards. The award is to be paid directly to the
awardee upon receipt of proof of matriculation, and that the awardee is, in fact, attending classes.
Any Scholarships not used by the following February 15th will be forfeited and passed onto the
next alternate on the list.
Click the link below to download and print the scholarship application.