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2023           Msgr. Peter Routhier
2022           James Candon
2021           Fr. Timothy Naples
2020           Michelle LaCroix
2019           Patrick Leduc
2018           Bernard LaRocque
2017           Joseph Bouchard
2016           Fr. John Feltz
2015           Msgr. Richard Lavalley
2014           Greg Hartmann
2013           Robert and Judy Sekarak
2012           Fr. Justin Baker
2011            Msgr. Thomas Ball
2010           Past State Advocate Steven Shover
2009           Bishop Salvatore Matano
2008           PSD and FDM Gerald Bean
2007           Fr. Maurice Boucher
2006           PSD and FDM Dominic Di Cicco
2005           PGK and PFN Bernard Druke
2004           Noel Vincent
2003           Msgr. Wendell Searles
2002           PGK and PFN Roger Fraser
2001           Former State Chaplain Fr. Francis Holland
2000           PSD and FDM Philip Mollitor
1999           PGK and FDD  Albert Gagnon
1998           L. James Rivers
1997           Mary Hahn-Beerworth
1996           PSD, FDM and FVSM Thomas Kane
1995           Bishop Emeritus Kenneth Angell
1994           PSD Robert Ose
1993           Former State Chaplain Fr. John Ledoux
1992           Reverend Arnold Brown
1991           Michelle Morin
1990           Archie Myers
1989           John Cassarino
1988           FS Reggie Desautels
1986           PSD and FDM Donald Sutton

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